Thursday, 26 November 2009

Comman Run Time Errors and meaning

Run Time Error 5
Illegal function
call Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 6
OverflowProgram error
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 7
Out of memory
This issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program to make sure it's not an issues with the program installation. If this does not resolve your issue review for additional information about troubleshooting out of memory issues.

Run Time Error 9
Subscript out of rangeProgram error
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 10
Duplicate definitionProgram error
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 11
Division by zeroProblem with a math formula in the program or the programs code.
Verify no software updates are available for the program causing this error.

Run Time Error 13
Type MismatchMake
sure your system regional settings are setup correctly and that the program you're running is made for your version of Windows.

Run Time Error 14
Out of string spaceProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 19
No ResumeProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 20
Resume without errorProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 28
Out of stack space
This issue can be caused by a program or memory error.
First try going through the out of memory troubleshooting on , if this does not resolve the issue try reinstalling / updating the program.

Run Time Error 35
Sub or Function not defined Program error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 48
Error in loading DLLThis issue is often caused with a bad installation or an issue caused after another program has been installed that replaced the programs DLL.
Close all programs and TSRs and try installing the program again.

Run Time Error 52
Bad file name or numberProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 53
File not foundFile required by the program to run is not found.
Program needs to be reinstalled or missing file(s) need to be copied back to the computer.

Run Time Error 54
Bad file modeProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 55
File already openProgram or file associated with program is being used and program does not have access to use it.
Try closing all open programs and run program again. Additional information about closing TSRs can also be found on

Run Time Error 58
File already existsProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 61
Disk full The disk,
for example, the hard disk drive does not have enough space for the program to run or for associated files to be copied to. Free up disk space on the computer hard drive. Additional information about how to determine hard disk drive space can be found on

Run Time Error 62
Input past end of fileProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 63
Bad record numberProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 64
Bad file nameProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 68
Device unavailableA hardware device or necessary requirement for the program is not being found.
Verify all hardware and software required by the program is installed. If you continue to have the same issues verify the latest updates are installed for the program as well as any hardware device the program needs.

Run Time Error 70
Permission denied
The location of where the program is being copied to does not have proper rights. Or a file that is trying to be copied over because it's currently being used. Try closing all programs and TSRs and running/installing the program again. Additional information about closing TSRs can also be found on .

Run Time Error 71
Disk not ready
Verify you have proper rights to the location you are attempting to install the program to.

Run Time Error 74
Can't rename with different driveProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 75
Path/File access errorProgram does not have rights or access to a file.
Often this is caused when a program is trying to access a network file it doesn't have proper access to either because of network privileges or something is blocking the program. This issue can also be caused when the file is being used by another program or is read-only.

Run Time Error 76
Path not foundDirectory of where the program needs to be copied to or files associated with the program need to be copied to is missing.
Try reinstalling the program.

Run Time Error 91
Object variable set to NothingProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 93
Invalid patternProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 94
Illegal use of NULLProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 102
Command failedProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 339
A file is missing or invalidAn associated program file is missing or corrupt.
Try reinstalling the program.

Run Time Error 429
Object creation failed
Program is corrupted, try reinstalling the program generating the runtime error.

Run Time Error 438
No such property or methodProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 439
Argument type mismatchProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 440
Object errorProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 901
Input buffer would be larger than 64KProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 902
Operating system errorVerify the program is compatible with your version of Windows and/or has any software updates.

Run Time Error 903
External procedure not foundProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 904
Global variable type mismatchProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 905
User-defined type mismatchA setting either in the program shortcut or being defined by the user is correct. Try running just the program without any additional settings or variables.

Run Time Error 906
External procedure interface mismatchProgram error,
verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer.

Run Time Error 1001
Out of memoryThis issue can be caused when the computer does not meet the programs system requirements or to much memory is already being used for the program to run. If your computer meets the requirements try first reinstalling the program to make sure it's not an issue with the program installation. If this does not resolve your issue review for additional information about troubleshooting out of memory issues.

Run Time Error 1025
DLL is not supported
This issue is often caused with a bad installation or an issue caused after another program has been installed that replaced the programs DLL. Close all programs and TSRs and try installing the program again.

Thanks to Mr. Navneet Devgan, System Manager

Healthy working practice on computers

Computers, as business machines, provide you with a highly powerful tool to perform various activities expeditiously and accurately. But this environment also demands you to take good care of the hardware for continued availability of the system. It also requires you to implement certain security measures to protect yourself. The following list gives you various tips for you to note and follow:

Taking care of computers

You may follow the under mentioned tips for longer life of computers and smooth functioning

Ø Keep the systems covered when not in use. The system includes the monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse and Printers

Ø Before switching on the system, please ensure that
The UPS is switched on
No floppy is available in the floppy drive

Ø If you cannot switch the system on properly check whether the power cables are connected properly and if there are some loose ends, correct them

Ø When you turn the system on and when the windows logon screen appears, you have to type the username and password allotted to you by the system administrator, correctly for successful logon

Ø Before switching the system off, Shut down windows

Ø If you are working in Windows 2000 environment and when you leave the system temporarily, you can lock the desktop using the Windows security option

Taking care of passwords

Passwords are like keys to locks and they should be taken care of properly. Here are a few tips
ü When the system starts and you enter a windows user account and password, this is to connect to the Server and establish network connectivity
ü On logging on to windows, you may run applications like Meghdoot Point of Sale. Here also you should select a user account and type a password. This password is to permit you to run the application. Please note the difference between the two authentications and their purpose
ü The System administrator sets the initial password. Immediately on logging on, you should set your own password. You can reset Windows password as well as Application password for your user accounts
ü While setting passwords remember the following guidelines
o Use a mixture of alphabetic and number keys for the passwords
o Do not relate the passwords to your name, that of your relative or any other associations
o Change the passwords previously set, at least once in two months
o Do not reveal the password to any one else, even in case of emergency
ü Do not attempt to imagine the password of any other user and try to logon
ü The Supervisors should never part with their passwords for the sake of convenience as this has dangerous consequences.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Joining two domains ( Servers)

Domains by default are unable to communicate with other domains, which means somewhere in domain DOP1 cannot access any resource that is part of domain DOP2. Before a trust relationship is configured

(A) an administrator in DOP1 cannot give permission to any user of domain DOP2 for files or printers

(B) a user of domain DOP2 cannot sit at a workstation that is part of domain DOP1 and login

After a trust relationship is defined, say DOP1 trusts DOP2 the following happens

(A)users of domain DOP2 can sit at a workstation that is part of domain DOP1 and login to their own domain DOP2 (it will be displayed in the domain dropdown box)

(B)an administrator of domain DOP1 can grant permission to any user of domain DOP2 to file and print resources

(C)users of domain DOP2 are included in the Everyone group of domain DOP1

In the example above DOP1 is the trusting domain, and DOP2 is the trusted domain. Also the above is a one-way trust relationship, i.e. while domain DOP2 users can use domain DOP1 resources, users of domain DOP1 cannot use domain DOP2 resources. A two-way relationship would allow each domain to access resources of the other (if given permission).

The basics of a trust relationship is to first configure domain DOP2 to allow domain DOP1 to trust it, and then configure domain DOP1 to trust domain DOP2:

(1)Log onto domain DOP2 as Administrator

(2)Start Active Directory Domains & Trusts for Domains (Start - Programs - Administrative Tools)

(3)Select "the properties" of the DOP2 domain then "Trust Tab"

(4)Click the Add button to " the domains that trust this domain" box

(5)Enter the name of the domain you want to be able to trust you, i.e. domain DOP1

(6)You can type a password in the Initial Password and Confirm Password, however this is only used when the trust relationship is started. You can leave it blank Click OK to complete the addition

(7)Close the Trust Relationship dialog box

(8)Log off of domain DOP2 and login onto domain DOP1 as Administrator

(9)start Active Directory Domains & Trusts for Domains (Start - Programs - Administrative Tools)

(10)Select "the properties" of the DOP1 domain then "Trust" tab

(11)Click the Add button to " the domains trusted by this domain" box

(12)Enter the name of domain DOP2 and the password if one was configured in step 6

(13)Click OK and close.

(14)Domain DOP1 nowPublish Post trusts domain DOP2

Thanks to Navneet Devgan, System Manager Ambala