Saturday, 20 February 2010

Guidelines for new iMO software

 (Guidelines for new iMO software)

This is in continuation of earlier communications from this office, regarding the modifications in the procedure for activation of iMO centers without the use of Digital Smart Cards.

It has been decided by the competent authority that Circle Coordinators would be designated in each Circle who would be the interface between National Coordinator, Dak Bhawan & the iMO Centres in the respective Circles. iMO service will be made available in all connected POs in the Circle.

The detailed presentation in this regard by NIC, is being enclosed for reference and may be circulated to all concerned well in advance. It has been directed by Member (T) that all the connected iMO Centres have to be activated by 15th March 2010.
The request for registration of POs would be filled online, the Supervisor IDs would be created online and user/operator id will be created at the PO level. Machine registration would be done as is being done at present.

The procedure would be as follows: -

1.                  Circles shall designate Circle level coordinators who shall be responsible for registering the Post offices in their respective Circles and sending the registration requests online,to National Coordinator for authorization. Once the National Coordinator authorizes the registration of the Post offices the Supervisor User ID and Password will be created and will be visible to the Circle Coordinator when he logs into the system. He would further communicate the same to the iMO centers who shall then create the operator ID & Password. Also, each Post office shall have 1 Supervisor & 2 operators (Maximum).
2.                  On registration of the Post offices, the post office shall send an online request for registration of the machine for iMO transaction to Circle CoordinatorThis procedure would be same as being done at present. The machine registration request shall be sent through the Circle Coordinator to the National Coordinator. Once the machine is authorized the post office shall start the iMO operation.
3.                  training session would be held by NIC for all the Circle Coordinators, System Managers, DAP officials, Regional & Divisional level officials of all the Circles on 23rd February 2010 from 1400 Hrs to 1700 Hrs, through Video conferencing. In this the entire procedure including filling up of online request registration forms etc, would explained in detail by NIC. The presentation will also be available on iMO website for reference. It is imperative that the same is distributed to all concerned well in time for better understanding during the training session.
Role and functions of the Circle Coordinator:-
  1. Ensuring broadband connectivity with fixed I.Ps in the identified POs.
  2. Filling up Registration request form (which will be available online) and sending it to National Coordinator (online).
  3. Communicating the Supervisor ID & Password to the concerned PO.
  4. Forwarding request for Machine registration request from the PO to National Coordinator.
  5. Ensuring activation of the identified centers.
  6. Monitoring the entire operation & reporting to National Coordinator.

Role of Post office/iMO Centre : -

1.                  Creation of User ID & Password and operators on receiving Supervisor ID & Password from the Circle Coordinator.
2.                  Getting the operator ID & Password authorized by the Circle Coordinator.
3.                  Download/install iMO software in the system.
4.                  Request for Machine registration to be forwarded to Circle Coordinator.
5.                  Starting iMO operations once Machine is registered.
6.                  Ensuring regular change in passwords & security of operations.
7.                  Providing training to the new operator.
8.                  Activation/deactivation of operator ID & password.
Role of National Coordinator : -
1.                  Authorising request for registration of POs received from Circle Coordinators.
2.                  Authentication of Machine registration request received from the Circle Coordinators.
3.                  Resetting of locked/disabled passwords on request received from Circle Coordinators.
4.                  iMO 16-digit Confidential No. communication in case of specific problem authorized by Circle Coordinator.
5.                  Providing support & guidance in case of any problem.
6.                  Co-ordinating with NIC with regard to any issue in relation to the application.
4.                  The following should be completed before 22nd February2010 :-

a.       Identifying all internetconnected Post offices as iMO Centres and communicating the same to National Coordinator.
b.      Designation of Circle Coordinators (not below the rank of AD/APMG) by the Circles.
c.       Ensuring availability of Broad band connectivity with Fixed I.P.
Address in all identified locations.
National Coordinator will correspond only with Circle Coordinators & the guidelines should be kept in mind by all concerned for smoother operations. This entire procedure will be applicable for all iMO centers, existing as well as for newly created centers. Any addition, alteration in the above procedure will be communicated as and when applicable.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Department created Postmasters Cadre in the GP Rs 4800, 4600, 4200 and 2800

The Postal Department is more than 150 years old and the qualification for feeding cadre (Postal Assistant) to this Department was only Matriculation. Recently, the qualification for Postal Assistant has been changed as Higher Secondary with some basic computer knowledge.

These officials are promoted to LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I Postmasters as per seniority and the service to the public is depend upon these cadre only. Fast track examination conducted for LSG promotion was also stopped due to various reasons.

However to improve the efficiency further and to cope up with the present technlogical issues, Department has issued orders vide Order No 13-2/2010-PE-I dated 3.2.2010 to constitute Postmaster Cadre which is reproduced as follows:-

It has been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority to constitute a separate cadre of Postmasters with following number of posts by carving them out from the existing General Line Cadre Posts and Postal Services Group - B of Postal Wing and to designate them as Senior Postmaster, Postmaster Grade-III, Postmaster Grade-II and Postmaster Grade-I as detailed below:-
SlNoExisting CadreProposed CadreNumber of Posts
1.Postal Services Group - B OfficerSenior Postmaster Rs 9300-34800 + GP Rs 4800 (PB-3) and Rs 5400 after 4 years(PB-2)116
2Higher Selection Grade-I (HSG-I)Postmaster Grade-III Rs 9300-34800 + GP Rs 4600 (PB-2)495
3Higher Selection Grade-II (HSG-II)Postmaster Grade-II Rs 9300-34800 + GP Rs 4200 (PB-2)511
4Lower Selection Grade (LSG)Postmaster Grade-I Rs 9300-34800 + GP Rs 2800 (PB-2)2097

The Posts will be deemed to have been designated as Senior Postmaster, Postmaster Grade-III, Postmaster Grade-II and Postmaster Grade-I with effect from the dates these are filled up.
The consequential action like framing of Recruitment Rules shall be taken by the Personnel Division.