Sunday, 30 October 2011

How do I forward my Gmail to another email account automatically?

  • Log in to your GMail account.
  • Click Settings (at the top)
  • Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP (at the top of the Settings box)
  • Enter the email address to which you'd like your Gmails forwarded.
  • Click the drop-down menu (in the next line)
           Choose "keep Google Mail's copy in the inbox" or
           Choose "Archive GMail's copy" or
           Choose "Delete GMail's copy"
  • Click Save Changes.
          You also can set up filters to forward selected GMails
          You can create upto 20 filters

Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!

Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!
*** No need remove sim or battery***
Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!We sometimes don't
want to receive calls at a particular time. But the caller understands that we are not receiveing call.
So make your phone as unreachable and the caller will
thought that its a network
problem. No need of removing sim card!
Lets start the game!

Go to Menu; Settings; Phone;Operator selection; Manual!
Now your phone will search for available operators.
Select any other network except your own network
(i.e. If you are using Airtel, select vodafone in).
You'll get an error message No network access!
Now look at the signal bar. It is empty!
But dont press back. If you press back, the phone will capture signal again.
If any caller call you then, he will hear that your phone is out of network range!
This trick works on almost every phone

Block / UnBlock Any Website in your Colleges & Offices Or Any Where You Want

Many times in schools, colleges & offices surfing some sites are banned.
To overcome this you can unblock these or block some other websites and play pranks !

Follow the Instructions Below To Block a Website:

Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
There you will find a file named HOSTS
Click on the file and right click.
From the right click menu select Open with.
Now, select Notepad to open the file from the list.
Now, in the file under the line localhost add another line as
File > Save.

Follow the Instructions Below To UnBlock a Website:

-> Do Same as above upto and then,
Now, open your web browser and try opening, it will not load.
To unblock sites just do the opposite. ( means to remove : )

Friday, 28 October 2011

How to Remove Norton Anti Virus from my PC completely?

It's not so easy to remove Norton by using the Windows utility. You need to carefully remove from Registry also. It's little tricky and long process. Please do the cleaning with care.

First Step

  • Remove Norton using Windows utility
  • Start --> Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs.
  • Select Norton application
  • Click Change --> Remove All.
  • You will be asked to restart your PC. Without fail Restart
Second Step
  • Start --> My Computer --> Program Files.
  • Right click on each Symantec folder
  • Select Delete.
  • Go to the Common Files folder at or near the top of the Program Files window.
  • Delete every Symantec folders.
  • Again restart your PC.
Third Step
  • Go to Start --> Search --> All Files and Folders --> More Advanced Options.
  • Check each option except for "Case sensitive"
  • Type 'Norton' and Search
  • Delete each Norton folder from the search results (Again, right click, choose "Delete").
  • For the third time, restart your PC.
Fourth Step
  • Go to Start --> Search --> All Files and Folders --> More Advanced Options.
  • Check each option except for "Case sensitive"
  • Type 'Symantec' and Search
  • Delete each Norton folder from the search results (Again, right click, choose "Delete").
  • For the third time, restart your PC.
Fifth Step
The is very very tricky. Do it with care :

  • Start --> Run
  • Type in "regedit"
  • Go to the top of the Regedit window.
  • Click (+) next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
  • Go down the thread until you see Software.
  • Click on Software
  • Scroll down the thread until you see Symantec.
  • Right click on Symantec and choose "Delete".
  • From there go down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
  • Go down the thread until you see Software.
  • Click on Software
  • Scroll down the thread until you see Symantec.
  • Right click on Symantec and choose "Delete".
  • Restart your PC.
Sixth Step
  • Start --> Run
  • Type in "regedit"
  • Go to the top of the Regedit window.
  • Click (+) next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
  • Click (+) next to Software
  • Click (+) next to Microsoft, Click (+) next to Windows
  • Click (+) next to CurrentVersion.
  • Select the Run folder
  • Right-click and delete each Symantec entry you see (if present).
  • Restart your PC.
I believe these steps can clean your system without Norton Antivirus programs

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Some of the Hidden Applications In Win XP

To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name, 

1. Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)

2. Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe

3. Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)

4. Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)

5. DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)

6. Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)

7. IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)

8. Mcft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).

9. Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).

10. ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)

11. Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).

12. System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )

13. Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).

14. Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).

15. Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).

16. Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).

17. File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

18. Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I’ve included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).

19. System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).

20. Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database – use with care, it’s virtually undocumented.

A-z Computer Acronyms

 --- A---
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended

--- B ---
BFG - BFG Technologies
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BNC - Barrel Nut Connector

--- C ---
CAS - Column Address Signal
CD - Compact Disk
CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft/min)
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)

--- D ---

DDR - Double Data Rate
DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation)
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DPI - Dots Per Inch
DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory

--- E ---
ECC - Error Correction Code
ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems
EDO - Extended Data Out
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EVGA - EVGA Corporation

--- F ---
FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
FPS - Frame Per Second
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
FS - For Sale
FSB - Front Side Bus

--- G ---
GB - Gigabytes
GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
GDI - Graphical Device Interface
GHz - GigaHertz

--- H ---
HDD - Hard Disk Drive
HIS - Hightech Information System Limited
HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company
HSF - Heatsink-Fan

--- I ---
IBM - International Business Machines Corporation
IC - Integrated Circuit
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
IFS- Item for Sale
IRQ - Interrupt Request
ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
ISO - International Standards Organization

--- J ---
JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers
JVC - JVC Company of America

--- K ---
Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
KBps - KiloBytes per second

--- L ---
LG - LG Electronics
LAN - Local Are Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LDT - Lightning Data Transport
LED - Light Emitting Diode

--- M ---
MAC - Media Access Control
MB - MotherBoard or Megabyte
MBps - Megabytes Per Second
Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second
MHz - MegaHertz
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
MSI - Micro Star International

--- N ---
NAS - Network Attached Storage
NAT - Network Address Translation
NEC - NEC Corporation
NIC - Network Interface Card

--- O ---
OC - Overclock (Over Clock)
OCZ - OCZ Technology
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

--- P ---
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
PGA - Professional Graphics Array
PLD - Programmable Logic Device
PM - Private Message / Private Messaging
PnP - Plug 'n Play
PNY - PNY Technology
POST - Power On Self Test
PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PQI - PQI Corporation
PSU - Power Supply Unit

--- R ---
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor
RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute

--- S ---
SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display
SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector
SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture
SOHO - Small Office Home Office
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface

--- T ---
TB - Terabytes
TBps - Terabytes per second
Tbps - Terabits per second
TDK - TDK Electronics
TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler
TPC - TipidPC
TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name

--- U ---
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB - Universal Serial Bus
UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair

--- V ---
VCD - Video CD
VPN - Virtual Private Network

--- W ---
WAN - Wide Area Network
WTB - Want to Buy
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

--- X ---
XGA - Extended Graphics Array
XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine
XMS - Extended Memory Specification
XT - Extended Technology

Keeping your Gmail Account Safe

At Google, we take account security very seriously. To ensure that your computer and account remain safe, we strongly recommend following these steps regularly:
  1. Check for viruses and malware. Run a scan on your computer with a trusted anti-virus software. If the scan detects any suspicious programs or applications, remove them immediately.
  2. Regularly update your account recovery options. Make sure to update your account recovery options to check that they are always up-to-date.
  3. Change your password at least twice a year. Make sure you choose a password that contains a combination of numbers, characters, and case-sensitive letters to strengthen the security of your account. 
  4. Enroll in 2-step verification. 2-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring you to sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a code sent to      your phone).
  5. Perform regular operating system and browser updates. Whether you use Windowsor Mac OS, we recommend enabling your automatic update setting, and updating when you get a notification. To check for browser updates in Internet Explorer, select the Toolstab and click Windows Update. In Firefox, just click the Help tab and select Check for Updates. Note that Google Chrome automatically updates to a newer version when one is released.
  6. Never use your Google Account password on another website. If you enter your password in an external website and it's compromised, someone could try to sign in to your Google Account with the same information.
  7. Protect your password. Never enter your password after following a link in an email from an untrusted site. Always go directly to Also, never send your password via email. Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.
If you use Gmail:
  • Update your recovery email address and your security question. This will help you recover your account if you ever lose access to it. Make sure that you have access to the email address listed as your recovery, and the answer to your security question is easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. 
  • Use a secure connection when signing in. In your Gmail settings, select 'Always use HTTPS.' This setting protects your information from being stolen when you're signing in to Gmail on a public wireless network, like at a cafe or hotel. 
You should also be sure to:
  • Never tell anyone your password; if you do tell someone, change it as soon as possible.
  • Use a strong password, and don't write it down or send it via email.
  • Run scans and change your password immediately after noticing any changes in your account that you didn't initiate.
  • Always sign out of your account when you're using public computers. Just click Sign outin the top right corner of the screen when you're done using your Google Account.
  • Clear forms, passwords, cache, and cookies in your browser on a regular basis, especially on a public computer.
You should perform these steps more frequently if you begin to notice suspicious behavior in your computer, such as general slowness and pop-up advertisements. For more information on keeping your account secure, check out Google's Safety Center.

If you believe that your account has been compromised, please reset your password immediately.

For more tips about online safety, visit ( Source ) : Google's Safety Center

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Tips To Increase Laptop’s Battery Life

Laptops users know the critical importance of the battery and it’s life. Users who carry their laptops with them know it well that the performance of the whole system depends alot on the battery power. The more the standby time it gives the more convenient it will be for you. But to keep the battery long lasting you need to take a good care of it. There are some guidelines that, if followed can help in improving the battery performance and keep it long lasting.

Keep the AC power ON
The simplest tip of all! Keep the laptop running on AC power instead of battery. If you’re on your desk, bed or sofa and the charging point is near you then you should connect the charger to to power it up with AC. The reason is simple – when the AC power is ON, battery is not used at all. Running the laptop more with AC power saves the charging and overall battery life.

Keep it Cool
Keep the CPU fan’s vents clear. If its vents are under the laptops’ body then make sure you’re placing it above the surface on which it is placed. This keep the air flowing under the body which helps in exhausting the heat from the vents. Remember heated system will force the fan to rotate faster which will require more battery power.

Control CPU Speed
You can control or minimize CPU speed if you’re laptop is running on batteries. To do this:
Open Control Panel > Power Options and Select the “Balanced” or “Power Saver” profiles to keep the CPU at minimum speed.

This is best if you’re working on single application like MS Office or just typing or watching a movie. You can create a custom profile for power settings by clicking “change plan settings” beside preset power plans.
Add More RAM
Low amount of RAM forces the CPU to create a virtual memory inside hard drive. Accessing files from hard drive requires more battery power. RAM is not only faster medium of transferring data to CPU but also lighter on power resources and consume much less battery power.

Use Hibernation Mode
Most of the users like to stand by the system when they’re away and it is assumed that from standby state system wakes up early. But in standby mode system’s hardware are still awake and eat battery power. It looks like the system is sleeping but actually it isn’t. While the Hibernation mode is useful when you’re running on batteries. Hibernating is little different from standby in which the system is completely shut down but the the opened programs, data in memory and opened files are preserved and you’re taken to the same state before hibernation when you turn it back on. So instead of using standby try to hibernate it when on batteries.

Lower Screen Brightness
LCD Screen and hard drive are the two most power consuming devices on a notebook. Turning off the screen saves a lot of battery power when you’re away for a while. Similarly dimming it also saves a good amount of battery charging. There are always shortcuts/functions keys given on all laptops to directly control the brightness of the screen.

Turn off Unused Hardware Internally
Beside hard drive there are other internal hardware devices that consume a good amount of power. Wifi and bluetooth cards are found to be always ON and searching for active networks around. When they’re not in use, turn them off from the options or directly from the buttons given on the notebooks externally.
Plug out External Devices
USB devices, like flash drives, external keyboard and mouse etc are the biggest external sources that drain out the charging. If you do not need them when running on batteries, plug them out and you’ll notice a prominent increase in standby time.

Turn Off Scheduled Tasks
Most of the programs are set on automatic execution when system is idle. While installing application some of them set themselves for automatic execution or say for example checking for updates online. Carefully check for all these type of application from Task Scheduler and turn them off when you want to prevent them from running while system is battery-powered.

Close Unused Programs
This is the most obvious one. Applications running in background increase CPU usage. The more the CPU runs more the battery will be taken. Check the taskbar to see running applications and close all those that are not required. Try not to perform power-intensive activities while on batteries. Avoid multi-tasking and playing heavy games.

With above 10 tips you can easily extend and improve life of the battery of your notebook. You’ll definitely notice a huge increase in stand by time of your laptop if you perform all these.

Remove row editing limitation in SQL2008

In SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express , we can change the default settings that allows to edit more than the 200 rows at a time, or select more than 1000 rows.
To modify the “Edit Top 200 Rows” or “Select Top 1000 Rows” settings do the following:
1.Run the SQL Management Studio Express 2008
2.Click the Tools -> Options
3.Select SQL Server Object Explorer . Now you should be able to see the options
*Value for Edit Top Rows Command
*Value for Select Top Rows Command
4.Give the Values 0 here to select/ Edit all the Records
5.Now we can see the Edit All and Select All options on the table.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

DOs and DON’Ts IN MOBILE PHONE ( Instruction by BSNL)

(A Government of India Enterprise)


·  Please do not click photographs with your mobile phones without permission from the people or authorities concerned. You may be  invading the privacy and possibly indulging in an illegal act.
·  Do not send obscene / pornographic text / images using SMS.
·  Do not send obscene / pornographic text / images using MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
·  Do not receive from or reply to SMS / MMS  of strangers.
·  Do not transmit obscene/ pornographic material, as it is an offence under Information Technology Act –2000 which carries a punishment of 5 years of  imprisonment and 1 lakh rupees fine.
·  Do not make calls to the unknown phone / mobile numbers you get while chatting or which are exhibited on various profiles on the Internet. If you do, you may be causing harassment to the other person.
·  Do not keep your Blue Tooth  open at all times-you may receive obscene / pornographic text, images and viruses.
·  Do not give your mobile numbers while chatting on INTERNET to avoid “STALKING”.
·  DO not handover your mobile phone to unauthorised service centres, to avoid CLONING.
·  It has been reported in the press that some unscrupulous elements may contact your mobile saying that they are from government agencies or Service Providers and request you to press #90 or #09.  It is reported that doing so would transfer control of your SIM to the caller.  SO DO NOT PRESS #90 or #09 when asked by unidentified persons.
  • Note down your IMEI number.
  • Security pin code should be used to avoid misuse of your mobile phones.
  • MMSs / SMSs  received should be checked for their source before opening.
  • Delete all obscene / pornographic text, images, SMS /MMS from your mobile phones which you might have received or stored. Otherwise this may land you in trouble and unwanted embarrassment.
  • Anti-virus software should be loaded in the mobile phone.
  • Mobile phone keypad should be locked after every use.
  • Use your mobile phone only when necessary .

Guide To Windows XP Maintenance - 4 Easy steps

We want our computers to be fast, efficient and responsive. But when it slows down most people get mad on it. It is not the computer's fault if you had given it some good care it would never betray you. Basically its due to your operating system that slows down your computer.  And here sapost is discussing 4 easy steps to maintain your PC in good health.

Guide To Windows Xp Maintenance

1. Reduce Your Recycle Bin Size.
Data capacity of a hard drive is now available in large quantity now days like you can easily purchase a terabyte hard drive from market easily. By default the recycle bin size for the hard drives is 10 % if the hard drive's data capacity is 500 Gb it would be useless to define a 10 % default recycle bin settings. Change it to 2 to 5 % or it can be 5 Gb to 10 Gb.

2. Turn off Remote Desktop Management
Remote desktop management is a windows utility that allows other to access your PC remotely. Its very useful if your computer is a part of network but its always a danger as hackers can easily penetrate into your computer. So my recommendation is to turn it off, use Team viewer instead.

CHKDSK is essential tool for windows xp maintenance, it should run from time to time. It will scan the disk for errors, fix logical errors, detect and mark bad sectors, so that Windows will no longer try to use them. This way it can prevent your computer from becoming unstable.

4. Defrag Regularly
Defrag is another essential tool for windows xp maintenance. Badly fragmented disks can cause a lot of problems, like general system slowdowns, slower start-up and shutdowns, and even computer crashes. Basically, your hard drive is the slowest part of your computer and file fragmentation makes it even slower.
Like any other defrag utility it gathers file fragments that are scattered all over your disk and writes them into adjacent clusters.

I hope that my short guide to Windows Xp Maintenance will help you. If you like this article please share it with your friends and donot forget to comment back

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

HOW TO: Print to a USB Printer from DOS in Windows XP

In order to print from DOS in an offline environment like the stores, you will need to do a couple of things.

1)      Install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter
a)      In Control Panel, double click on Add Hardware.
b)      Click Next
c)      When the scan finishes, select "Yes, I have already connected the hardware"
d)     Click Next
e)      Scroll to the bottom of the list and select "Add a new hardware device"
Click Next
f)       Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)"
g)      Click Next
h)      Select "Network Adapters"
i)        Click Next
j)        Select "Microsoft" under the Manufacturer list.
k)      Select "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" in the Network Adapter list.
l)        Click Next
m)    Click Next
n)      Click Finish

2)      Configure the Adapter
a)      The loopback adapter is a virtual network adapter and can be configured the same as a regular network card.
b)      Set the adapter to have a static IP address such as

3)      Share the printer.
a)      I recommend you use a share name that you will remember.  I used “Printer” in the new machines that are already deployed.

4)      Capture the printer port.
a)      NET USE LPT1: \\[Computer Name]\Printer /PERSISTENT:YES