Friday, 20 December 2013

How to Shutdown Remote PC with DOS Command

When we are beginner in operating remotely connected pc or networking then after some learning in our mind one question comes that how to remotely shutdown a windows computer? Because it is very useful for Networking. Then here is your solution.This post tells you how toremotely shutdown or restart your computer with command prompt using commands.
With the help of Remote Shut down dialog box you can quickly or after some time shutdown or restart or log off your computer easily. Now first,
How to open Remote Shutdown Dialogue box?
  • First you go to “run” command in Start menu.
  • Type “cmd” in run prompt and click enter.
  • Type Windows Shut Down Command shutdown -i and hit enter.
Type Shutdown -i in this window

After writing shutdown –i and hitting enter in command prompt window there will open Remote Shutdown Dialogue box like this.
after entering shutdown -i in command prompt this window will open
In remote shutdown dialogue box, click “Add”. This will add your computer name which you want to remotely shutdown or restart. By seeing the name of the computer you have to right click on “my computer” logo and click the Property which shows the computer name. You can also see the network computer by clicking the browse button.
Next you select the command which you want to do. In that you will select the “Shutdown” command.
And select the 20 or more second span before close your computer. You can also send a message to remote computer in typing comment column before shutdown. After finishing this click ok.
You can also tell the reason for unexpected shutdown or restart computer without logging on local computer in option column.

To send the command to other computer you have permission to administrative privileges on that computer.
For Shutdown Event Tracker to be able to record information, the Remote Registry service must be enabled on the remote computer.
The Remote Administration and Windows Management Instrumentation firewall exceptions must be enabled on the remote computer.

Courtesy: The Windows Club

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

16 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Word 2010

Keyboard shortcuts can be boon for typists and here are 16 shortcuts for Word 2010 users that you may not be aware of:

Applies highlighting to selected text
CTRL + Alt + C
Inserts copyright symbol
CTRL + Alt + R
Inserts Registered symbol
CTRL + alt + T
Inserts Trademark symbol
Inserts footnote
Applies all caps
CTRL + Shift + K
Applies the SMALL CAPS font attribute
CTRL + Shift + D
Applies double underlining
CTRL + Spacebar
Removes character formatting
Switches to Print Layout View
Switches to Draft View
Switches to Outline View
Launches Spell-Checker
Shift + F7
Launches the Thesaurus
ALT + Shift + F7
Launches the Dictionary/Translator
Shift + F5
Moves your cursor to the previous edit position

Friday, 6 December 2013


It is very best trick of windows XP. After applying this trick you will feel excellent fast speed of your menus. This tricks doesn’t effect on windows startup or browsing speed. It just effects on your menus e.g start programe menu, right click menu etc. To apply this trick simply follow these steps.
i.                    Go to start menu and click on run
ii.                  Type “Regedit” and click “oK”. You will find registry editor window.
iii.                Click on “HKEY CURRENT USER” then click on “CONTROL PENAL” and finally click on “DESKTOP

iv.                You will see a list on right side and search for “Menushowdelay
v.                  Double click or right click on “Menu Show Delay” to modify thevalue data.
vi.                Change the value data of value name to “0” and click ok.
vii.              It is done. Enjoy an excellent menu opening speed.

(Note. You can adjust value according to your requirements. Minimum value is “0” but normally you can use 50 to 150 )

Courtesy :