Monday 14 September 2009

System Administrator Seminar at New Delhi

Listen to me friends now the final moment has come. Everyone can speak in various websites (many blogs and sahuliyat) about System Administrator organising themselves and making the department understand in a stiffing manner that the SAs are important for the department. Unfortunately everyone present their views comfortably by just typing it on the key board but who is daring to BELL THE CAT. Now almost my preparation work in organising the System Administrators of the entire country is nearing its final phase. So far I have been touring to various circles personally and taking my own efforts in organising meetings for System Administrators and consolidating the problems they are facing. Only a very few circles are yet to be visited which will be completed by the end of this month. Now shortly in the month of November a National Level Seminar is going to be conducted for the System Administrators at Delhi. Previously such attempts were made but it proved to be futile, but this time after formal approval in the NFPE Federal Executive meeting with full preparation this Seminar is going to be conducted. The NFPE leadership has invited the officers of Directorate also for the Seminar to speak on specific topics. The Member (technology) Mr.Samant has also agreed to address the Seminar. The date of Seminar will be announced anytime after 13th of this month. Why this National Seminar ?-----------------------------------------
1. To arrive a consensus on what is exactly to be negotiated with the department for the System Administrators. So far every individual System Administrators have their own view and leadership are also presenting their views and acceptance level among cadres on each of the views presented could not be studied. So deriving a consensus about our demands which is acceptable to all the System Administrators of the entire country is very essential and need of the hour. To consolidate into a very small NUT-SHELL and focussing that demand alone and fighting for it. 2. To derive a action plan and to set a deadline date to get into some major action, it the department is still dragging the issue. Getting into some major action plan requires execution of that action plan uniformly through out the nation. This requires some extensive preparation and what ever decision taken should be democratic and acceptable by everyone. Then only executing it will be very easy and uniform. So dont take this National Seminar very lightly, it is going to be a very significant event in the life of each and every toiling System Administrator through out the country. I am very sure about that. I know some friends of Kerala are bound to criticise me even for this but anyway I am very focussed and committed. Nobody can bring down my will power. Respected friends of Tamil Nadu, please start organising and start collecting funds for booking the train ticket / flight ticket to Delhi. Once the date is announced book your tickets to Delhi immediatly. Dont delay start immediatly.
With regards
Chennai - SenthilKumar, Mobile 09884373390

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