Saturday 30 January 2010


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Dear Comrades,

                After the massive attempt made in our Delhi Seminar in getting an exact focus on the what is required for the SAs as democratically decided by SAs has to been submitted in a crystal clear manner  to the NFPE Leadership. In the clarity got from the Delhi Seminar the NFPE leadership has now placed the demand of SAs in the JCM (Standing Committee).
              Those who speak about forming any association should understand what is JCM. The Joint Consultative Missionary (JCM) is the ultimate forum of negotiation between the Government and Staff-side. Staff-side will comprise of Union representatives from the recognised Federation (NFPE & FNPO). The number of representatives of JCM (Staff-side) will be determined based on the strength of the membership in each of the Federations. Hence NFPE being the largest Federation of the Postal employees having more than 70% of the membership will have more number of representatives in the JCM on the other hand FNPO having more or less 30% of the membership will have few representatives accordingly. Hence the bargaining capacity will be more for the Federation having more representatives.
          Hence any individuals having formed any association will not have any legal representation in the JCM which is official negotiating body of Staff issues. Hence in this context the issue of System Administrator as decided by us democractically in the Delhi Seminar is now included in the JCM Subjects submitted. The details of the Subjects submitted to our Department is avaialble in the following link: 

             Now the date of meeting of JCM Standing Committee will shortly intimated shortly. The meeting in proposed to be held in the month of March. Hence in order get a concrete committment or nod from our DOP placing it as a JCM Subject is very essential. When department has given a nod recordically in JCM almost 60% of the job is over. Then the formal approval from MOF and then finally DOPT has to follow through.

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