Friday 22 October 2010

Most Oftenly faced Problems by SAs

A} Increase Hard Disk speed in Windows

If you like to increase/optimize your Hard Disk I/O - read/write speed without buying expensive software utilities to do that job or changing the HD, just follow next steps. With doing these steps you will increase Hard disk speed (depends of manufacture and specification, but its worth to try). The most speed improvement is visible with IDE drives; however there are reports that this tweak also does good for SCSI disks.

In any case, it won't harm your system, so try it yourself and let me know what you find!


1. Run SYSEDIT.EXE from the start & then Run command.
2. Expand the system.ini file window.
3. Scroll down almost to the end of the file untill you find a line called [386enh].
4. Press Enter to make one blank line, and in that line type
5. Irq14=4096 (note: This line IS CASE SENSITIVE)
6. Click on the File menu, then choose Save.
7. Close SYSEDIT and reboot your computer.
8. Restart windows!

The speed improvement will be noticed just after the system reboots, any system info. software can be used to check the improvement.

B}Most Common Computer Problems and Their Solution (Part-1)

Hi guys, i have already posted several posts on computer tips and tricks here and also disscussed several problems. Now i am going to speak about "Most common problems and solutions". Here you will find the solution for most of the common problems faced by people with there computer.

Note: All the information here is collected form various sites and forums.

1. I can't see Hidden files/folders in my computer. Even I enable the option "Show hidden files/folders" in "Tools -> Folder Options", its automatically disabled again.

Solution1: Go to your Start menu, click on Run and open up your Registry Editor by typing "regedit" without the quotes and pressing OK.

Once there go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folde r\Hidden\SHOWALL

Delete the value CheckedValue. (Its type should be REG_SZ and data should be 0 or 1.)

Create a new DWORD value called CheckedValue (same as above, except that the type is REG_DWORD) by right clicking on the right pane->New->DWORD Value. Modify the value data to 1 (0x00000001).
Solution 2: Open regedit and goto:
In right-side pane, change value of "Hidden" to as following:

1 - To show hidden file
2 - To not show hidden files

If it doesn't work, then scan your computer with an anti-virus software.

C} Task Manager Disabled:

Using Group Policy Editor - for Windows XP Professional to Enable Task Manager.

* Click Start, Run, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
* Navigate to this branch:

User Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options / Remove Task Manager

* Double-click the Remove Task Manager option.
* Set the policy to Not Configured.

Enable RegEdit [It is not tested]


Save the text file as any name u with extension .reg
example:- "enable.reg"
After that double click to run the file.


D} Restore Deleted Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop:

Method #1:
1. Right-click an empty area of your desktop
2. Select Properties
3. Click the Desktop tab
4. Click the Customize button
5. Click Restore Default
6. Exit all windows and restart your computer

Method #2:
Note: Be sure to make a backup copy of your registry prior to making any changes.

Go to Start>> Run. Type in: regedit [Enter]

Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace

Hold the mouse on NameSpace and right-click once. From the resulting menu, select Edit>> New>> Key

Copy and Paste the following Key code (including the brackets):


Press Enter on your keyboard, exit the registry editor and restart your system.

E Blank User Accounts Applet :

When you double-click User Accounts applet in the Control Panel, the User Accounts applet opens, but it may be completely blank.

The buttons Back | Forward | Home are displayed in the dialog.

To resolve the problem, type these commands from Start, Run dialog:

regsvr32 jscript.dll

If that does not help, execute the following commands as well.

regsvr32 nusrmgr.cpl
regsvr32 /i mshtml.dll

F} Force windows XP to reboot upon crashing:

This registry edit will cause your system to reboot itself automatically upon crashing. This can be useful if you have a reason for keeping your system on 24/7:



Edit the 'AutoReboot' value to '1'

G} Improving the Slow Boot up time:

There are a variety of reasons why your windows XP system would boot slowly. Most of the times it this has to do with the startup applications. If you would like to speed up the bootup sequence, consider removing some of the startup applications that you do not need. Easiest way to remove startup apps is through System Configuration Utility. Go to Start then Run and enter MSCONFIG and go to the Startup tab. Deselect/UnCheck application(s) that you do not want to startup at boot time.

H} Regedit Disabled By Admin:

Open Notepad pad, copy paste the following text to the note pad::


Save the text file as any name u with extension .reg

example:- "enable.reg"

After that double click to run the file.

I}  Double-clicking any drive opens search option:

Solution 1:
That's a virus named as ravmon.exe and autorun.inf
Scan first with a good antivirus [Nod32 Recommanded]
then try this trick.

First show the hidden files and folders options then try this method

1. Go to Start-->run and type cmd then click ok

2. If u want to remove the infected file from c drive then type C: in command prompt and press enter

3. Type autorun.inf and press enter
autorun.inf file is opened

4. Now type "attrib autorun.inf -s -h -r" and press enter

5. Now delete the file by typing
"del autorun.inf" and press enter

6.Now type autorun.inf and press enter now, u will find no infected autorun.inf file.

7. same way do for all other drives then restart ur pc

J} Accidentally deleted my "mspaint.exe"/"notepad.exe"/etc. file, how can I get it back?


You can use any of following methods:

A. Goto "%windir%\System32\DLLCache" folder and look for the file, if its there then copy it to "%windir%\System32\" folder.

B. Insert your Windows Setup CD and goto "I386" folder. Now look for the same file, it'll present there but the last letter of extension will be "_". e.g., u'll get "mspaint.ex_"/"notepad.ex_"/etc. Now open Command Prompt and goto "I386" folder and give following command:

expand mspaint.ex_ mspaint.exe
expand notepad.ex_ notepad.exe

Now u can copy the file to "%windir%\System32" folder.

C. Give following command in Command Prompt:


It'll automatically restore the files.

K}When I start my computer, I get error message:"Windows\System32\config\system" file missing or corrupt

Boot using Windows Setup CD and enter into "Recovery Console" by pressing "R". Now Log into windows installation and enter admin password. Now give following commands at prompt:

copy %windir%\Repair\system %windir%\System32\Config

If it doesnt work, then again boot into "Recovery Console" and give following commands:

bootcfg /scan
bootcfg /rebuild

L} Add A Photo To MyComputer Properties


1. Open Notepad

2. Type the following:

[Support Information]

3. Save as "oeminfo.ini" in the System32 folder.(Without Quote)

4. Create a bmp file(Your Photo) and save it the System32folder as "oemlogo.bmp"(Without Quote).The size of the image should be within 180 (wide) x120 (high) pixels

5. Now Check your My Computer Properties.

It's tested and working.

M} tips for securing your PC

1. Update / patch ALL your software every now and then!

2. Check / adjust ALL your settings so they are safe, since they ARENOT by default!

3. Use firewall,

4. Use good passwords: at least 13marks long, containing both letters and numbers. Remember to chance your password every few months atleast!

5. Get good anti-virus & Spyware softwares and keep it updated!

6. Don’t open or execute files that you are not 100% sure are absolutely safe no matter where or how you get them.

7. Wipe your historyfiles (like cookies, internet history and temporary files, etc.), logs and personal files, with specific wiping program (like Eraser) instead of just deleting them.

8. Don’t use public computers for anything you need to type in your logins, they usually have Trojan horses that capture your passwords.

9 Don’t assume anything. If you don’t know, find out! If you cant or don’t understand, ask someone who knows! There’s nothing more dangerous than doing something you don’t really know anything about. That’s the best way to cripple your system or get a Trojan horse on your computer!

Thanks to : 
A.ShivRame, SA , Jalgaon HPO-425001, Mob 09960906659

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