Monday 1 November 2010

Try to know about Data Entry Test


What is meant by Data Entry Operator?
A data entry operator is an individual who transforms an unorganized set of data into an organized format of data. This unorganized set of data may be in the form of text, image or video, which is organized into the required format.
Unorganized text into organized text (just like an invoice clerk keys in manual invoice data into a computer database)
Unorganized image into organized image or even text (by using software like OCR)

Unorganized video into organized video (video-editing etc.)
What skill is tested for a Data Entry Operator?
The only skill tested for a data entry operator is:
How fast, how accurately you can key-in (i.e. type) the data

Data Entry Operator skill test terminologies:
Following terms are used to define a data entry operation skill:
WPM (Words per minute): How many words you can type in one minute?
CPM (Characters per minute): How many characters you can type in one minute?
KPH or KSPH (Key Strokes per Hour) or KDPH (Key Depressions per Hour):

How to convert WPM into KPH/KDPH and vice vesra:
In most typing tests, a "word" is defined as five keystrokes. That is:
KPH = WPM x 5 x 60 = 300 x WPM
WPM = KPH / 300.

What should be your data entry speed?
What is the average typing speed? What should be your typing speed to become a data entry operator? These questions must be bugging you now.
Well, an average person types 20 to 25 wpm. For the professional data entry operators, the average speed is around 36 wpm (10800 KPH). But the minimum typing speed defined in most of the data entry operator skill test is 8000 KPH (i.e. 27 WPM).


Online Typing Test - For test your typing speed

Courtesy :      ( S Jayachandran -9961464279 )

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