Friday 3 December 2010

Windows 7 Trouble shooting

SYMPTOM / FIX TIPS (See my separate "TROUBLESHOOTING PC's" document for ideas not directly related to WINDOWS 7.)

ANY PROBLEM: Make sure the PC's Date and Time is set correctly. A wrong date can cause a myriad of problems.

AERO AND/OR TRANSPARENCY WON'T WORK: Make sure you have a video card that is
supported by Win7/Vista. If you cannot find a Win7/Vista video driver for your Video card
online, you may have to buy a new video card that has a driver available.


If booting into Safe Mode works, use msconfig to create a bootlog on the next regular boot.
After failure, boot into safe mode or with a win98 Disk or DOS Disk and look at the bootlog file.
See what the last driver that started was. That driver or hardware device is what is failing.
STARTUP REPAIR: This is a WINDOWS 7 Recovery Tool that can be used to repair some
problems. It is best loaded from a WINDOWS 7 Install DVD. If you do not have one (as is most
common), try loading per the following Microsoft Article:

RUN CHKDSK FROM INSTALL DVD to scan & fix corrupted sysem files using a Windows 7 Install
DVD. Boot the Win 7 Install DVD and when asked, select Repair. Then when a menu comes up,
select command prompt. Enter chkdsk c: /f /r . If it says volume is locked, add the /x switch.

You can also use a UBCD4WIN BOOT CD, go to a command prompt and enter: chkdsk c: /x /f /r
(Note: When using UBCD4WIN, the main system drive may not be drive "c:". If not, use whatever letter is for the system drive in place of c: in the chkdsk command).

CHKDSK: TO ERROR CHECK THE HARD-DRIVES: Run this on all your hard-drives if you experience

any strange problems. See my WINDOWS 7 TIPS sheet for details on how to run chkdsk.

COMMAND PROMPT. If programs will not run from a Command Prompt, make you you first right-click on the Command Prompt Icon and select " topic above)

DESKTOP ICONS MOVING after reboot or refresh. Apparently this is a bug in WINDOWS 7.

Two tricks to try:
1. Try turning off "Align to Grid: (Right-click on Desktop > View > click on "Align to Grid", to
uncheck it). If you want the Icons lined up nicely again, turn on "Align to grid" and then turn it off
again. (Yes, I know that "Align to Grid" does not cause any problems in XP)
2. Here is a workaround. Download & install a free Utility called "Icon Restore 1.0" from . Then right-click most
any Icon on the Desktop and select "Save Desktop Icon Layout". Then when the bug shows up,
you can restore the Icon positions by right-clicking an Icon and selecting "Restore Desktop Icon
Layout". Not much of a fix but it helps. PS: This download works on all versions of Windows.


(Control Panel > System and Security. Under "Administrative Tools", click "View Event logs"). Look at both System and Application errors. The event viewer displays all errors detected by Windows 7.


Cannot connect to the internet or any strange problems. Try resetting IE back to factory defaults:
Open IE8 > Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab > click Reset.

Run as Administrator". See the Command Prompt Icon

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On the Reset IE Settings window, select Reset > click OK. When done, click close & restart
SLOW TO START: There are problems with IE8 and SpyBot Search & Destroy. On the SpyBot
"Immunize" window, you need to remove all IE protections ending with the words (Domains) or
(Secure Domains). For more details, here is a link to the spybot forums:

MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS TOOL (Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative tools >

Memory Diagnostics Tool).
This Tool tests your RAM.

Click “Restart now and check for problems”. During the Restart, a set of memory tests will run. It could take 30 minutes or more to run. Do not interrupt the process!

When done, it will restart Windows and display test results in the Taskbar Notification Area.

NETWORKING ISSUES (See my separate "NETWORKING TIPS" document).

PING: UNABLE TO PING PC SOMETIMES: (Go to Device Manager > Network Card > properties).

Make sure any power saver modes are OFF

SLOW STARTUP (Slow to Boot):

Hold down the Shift Key while booting. This takes you to a semi-safe (diagnostic mode) mode.
Run msconfig or Starter. Try removing various programs from Startup.

SYSTEM FILE CHECKER : (SFC). This Utility will find missing or corrupt WINDOWS 7 System Files.

You may be required to insert your Windows DVD to continue the program. (Start > Run > enter: SFC
/scannow > OK). If it does not run, go the Command Prompt and run it from there. Note; If it runs successfully, you get no warm fuzzy messages. It just goes away.


(Control Panel > System and Security > Performance Information and Tools > Advanced Tools). Read the info on this screen and then click "Generate a system health report" . Best run by an Administrator Account.

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