Sunday 10 July 2011

How to Remove Friends on Facebook

Want to delete a friend on Facebook? This guide will show you how to do it.

Once you have logged in to Facebook, on the top right of the page, click on the Account tab and then select the Edit Friends option, which is the one highlighted in the next image: 

Once you have done that, you will be directed to a new page. Click on the large button that says "Recently Interacted," located right above your list of friends, and select "All friends" in the appearing menu. This way you will see the list of all your Facebook friends.

Now you just have to click on the big X at the right side of each friend you want to remove. Facebook will ask you if you are sure, and you will have to click on the button that says "Remove from Friends" to confirm the action.

Although this way you will remove one friend at a time, this method is also the most comfortable way to remove multiple friends on Facebook.

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