Thursday 1 September 2011

A few FaceBook Login Tips

Here are a few tips forFacebookLoginproblems that have become very common nowadays. if you follow these tips, you can be sure to reduce the number of issues you face with your Facebook login.

  • You should NEVER and EVER click on links from other webpages to visit the Facebook login page. Many a times clicking a Short Url may land you on the Facebook login page - simply close the page and open a new browser session and type the url manually yourself.

  • You must always remember to enter the url directly into your web browser's navigation bar to goto the Facebook login page.

  • Take a few second to reconfirm the url displayed on the navigation bar and also do a check on the website before you start entering your log in information.

  •  It is a good practice to use a password manager to enter the login details and process yourlogin. That way no key-press for key loggers to know.

  • Always ensure that you have a very secure password with consists of atleast eight characters/digits. This should include atleast one number, atleast one CAPITAL letter andatleast one special character.

  • Never give your username and password to anyone - let them be your best friend or family member. You'll never know how knowingly or unknowingly that information can land in the wrong hands.

  •  Always make it a habit to change your online password the very minute you suspect the account has been compromised - No second thoughts. Well, that's all the gyan I could think off - if you have any other tips, do post it in the comments below - deeply appreciated.

Also you can find more Facebook login information and some very good security tips at theFacebook Official Login Helper site.

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