Thursday 19 January 2012

Mozilla FireFox Browser - Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys                                        Action
  • CTRL+A   ---   Selects the all items on active page

  • CTRL+B   --- Display the "Organize Bookmarks" dialog box

  • CTRL+D  --- Include the active page to your Bookmarks list

  • CTRL+F --- Display the "Find" dialog box to search text

  • CTRL+I  ---   Display the Bookmarks pane

  • CTRL+H --- Display the History sidebar of Mozilla Firefox

  • CTRL+N --- Use to open new Mozilla Firefox page

  • CTRL+P --- Use to print the active web page

  •  CTRL+R --- Use to reload the active web page

  • CTRL+T --- Display a new Tab in active Firefox window

  • CTRL+U --- View the source code of active web page

  • CTRL+W --- Closes the active Mozilla Firefox window

  • CTRL++ --- Use to increase the font size of active page

  • CTRL+ - --- Use to decrease the font size of active page

  • CTRL+Tab --- Move to next Tab in Mozilla Firefox

  • ALT+Home --- Use to open the home page of internet explorer

  • ALT+Left Arrow --- Go to previous page of active page

  • ALT+Right Arrow --- Go to next page of active page

  • ALT+B --- Go to Mozilla Firefox Favorites Menu

  • ALT+D --- Go to address bar of current Firefox page

  • ALT+E --- Go to Mozilla Firefox Edit Menu

  • ALT+F --- Go to Mozilla Firefox File Menu

  • ALT+S --- Go to Mozilla Firefox History Menu

  • ALT+T --- Go to Mozilla Firefox Tools Menu

  • ALT+V --- Go to Mozilla Firefox View Menu 

  • Tab --- Move forward between all items on active web page

  • F5 --- Refresh the active web page

  • F7 --- F7 activate the cursor to move with keyboard

  • CTRL+SHIFT+DEL --- Use to clear all Private Data history

  • CTRL+SHIFT+D --- Use to Bookmarks all Firefox Tabs

  • F11 --- Press F11 key to view any webpage in full-screen view and then again press for normal view.

  • Press Ctrl+Enter --- Windows will automatically add both "www" and ".com". For example, if we type

  •  Press Shift+Enter --- Windows will automatically add both "www" and ".net"

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter ---   Windows will automatically add both "www" and ".org"

    Courtesy :

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