Thursday 8 July 2010

common security issues for non-technical computer users

  • Why is Cyber Security a Problem?
  • Guidelines for Publishing Information Online
  • Understanding Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
  • Choosing and Protecting Passwords
  • Understanding Anti-Virus Software
  • Understanding Firewalls
  • Coordinating Virus and Spyware Defense
  • Debunking Some Common Myths
  • Good Security Habits
  • Safeguarding Your Data
  • Real-World Warnings Keep You Safe Online
  • Keeping Children Safe Online
  • Dealing with Cyberbullies
  • Understanding Hidden Threats: Corrupted Software Files
  • Understanding Hidden Threats: Rootkits and Botnets
  • Preventing and Responding to Identity Theft
  • Recovering from Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses
  • Recognizing and Avoiding Spyware
  • Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks
  • Understanding Denial-of-Service Attacks
  • Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends
  • Avoiding the Pitfalls of Online Trading
  • Understanding Your Computer: Email Clients
  • Using Caution with Email Attachments
  • Reducing Spam
  • Benefits and Risks of Free Email Services
  • Benefits of Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
  • Understanding Digital Signatures
  • Using Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms Safely
  • Staying Safe on Social Network Sites
  • Protecting Portable Devices: Physical Security
  • Protecting Portable Devices: Data Security
  • Using Caution with USB Drives
  • Securing Wireless Networks
  • Cybersecurity for Electronic Devices
  • Defending Cell Phones and PDAs Against Attack
  • How Anonymous Are You?
  • Protecting Your Privacy
  • Understanding Encryption
  • Effectively Erasing Files
  • Supplementing Passwords
  • Understanding Your Computer: Web Browsers
  • Evaluating Your Web Browser's Security Settings
  • Shopping Safely Online
  • Browsing Safely: Understanding Active Content and Cookies
  • Understanding Web Site Certificates
  • Understanding Internationalized Domain Names
  • Understanding Bluetooth Technology
  • Avoiding Copyright Infringement
  • Understanding Patches
  • Understanding Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • Risks of File-Sharing Technology
  • Reviewing End-User License Agreements
  • Understanding Your Computer: Operating Systems

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