Friday 21 January 2011

New Virus Through Mail

Dear All,
               A New Virus is Spreading through mail, please take precaution while clicking on any unknown mails.Don’t just get too excited if you receive an email containing a PowerPoint presentation claiming to contain lovemaking techniques from the Indian book “Kamasutra”! It may not be as healthy for your computer and a trojan named “Troj/Bckdr-RFM” shall get installed in the background to let hackers gain control of your system and steal all your personal information. Your computer may even be used to host attacks on websites or send spam. This was published in an online report of a computer security agency “Sophos”.The presentation file is sent as an attachment usually with the name “Kamasutra.ppt.exe”. Beware if you receive any such email and report it immediately.

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