Sunday 7 August 2011

10 Ways To Network With Other Bloggers In Your Niche

The idea behind networking with other bloggers is to build connections and form relationships. The relationships that you build will prove their value in due course of time. However, it’s important that you make the right impression in order to build a great relationship. This requires that network in ways that you might not normally do.  This does not mean that you have to pretend to be someone you aren’t; what it means is that you have to adopt specific strategies to shine a spot light on the value you represent as a blogger. To be a successful blogger, it’s important to surround yourself with other successful bloggers.

1. Post Comments On Other Blogs

One way of showing your own subject matter expertise and establishing your presence in the blog sphere is to comment on other blogs. Look for blogs in your niche area. Study the backgrounds of the bloggers. Subscribe to their posts and make sure you drop a comment on each one. Your comments should let the bloggers know that you’re following them, and that you are a blogger in the same niche. It’s fine to drop a link to your blog along with your comment. Make sure your comments are helpful, insightful and intelligent. Your comments will be picked up on the bloggers’ radar and your presence will be noted. Always use your real name when you leave comments; this adds more credibility to you as a person.

2. Invite Comments From Other Bloggers

When you post comments on other blogs in your niche, always indicate that you welcome their visits and comments on your blog. Be open to criticism. There’s heavy competition in the blog sphere and not all bloggers will accept your authority in the subject matter. Don’t react to negative or sarcastic comments. Always thank other bloggers for their comments and learn what you can from them.

3. Write Personal Notes

Posting comments on other blogs is a great way to make your presence known. The next step is to introduce yourself personally to other bloggers. Write personal emails to other bloggers in your niche, introducing yourself, your blog and what you aim to achieve with it. Ask for input, advice and research references if any. This approach indicates humility and a willingness to learn on your part. Most experienced and senior bloggers will open up to you and share information with you freely.

4. Help Promote Other Blogs

All bloggers are in the business of getting noticed and thereby derive traffic. Any help that you can provide other bloggers in this area will be greatly appreciated. Take a few moments to follow other bloggers in your niche on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. Like their blogs on these sites and forward them to your contacts. Promote them selflessly; you’ll find that they return the favor, which strengthens your relationship.

5. Upload Guest Posts

Two kinds of blogs accept guest posts: the kind that uses guest posts to promote themselves, and the kind that needs guest posts in order to survive. Note that for a blog that’s struggling to survive, a guest post provides a great revitalizing content boost. A good guest post with the right title and content can drive a great deal of traffic to the blog. If your content becomes a hit, you can be sure that the blog owner will make special efforts to network with you in the future.

6. Sponsor Contests On Other Blogs

When you sponsor contests on other blogs, you’re in effect indicating your support loud and clear. You can generate a lot of traffic on your own blog by launching a contest. However, if you sponsor a blog contest elsewhere, you will not only generate traffic for your own blog but also gain the attention of others in the blogging community. When you help other bloggers above and beyond what they expect, you’ll find that the networking opportunities are endless.

7. Keep Your Intentions Positive

We all do what we do to gain something or the other. Still, there’s nothing that says you cannot maintain a positive attitude and enjoy helping someone else succeed. If you don’t have the proper intentions, your base needs will become transparent and you’ll lose respect. This means you have to operate with the greatest good of all in mind. So whenever you network in order to form partnerships, to ask for a favor or even just to make a friend, see how you can make it a win-win situation for both parties.

8. Show Respect And Be Concise

Maybe the blogger you’re networking with is very important and busy, and maybe not. It doesn’t matter. In your interactions, always presume that the blogger is busy, and show the right respect for their time. Don’t bother other bloggers with pages of your personal insecurities and blogging fears. All that might be vitally important to you, but may not hold any significance to them. Also, it’s important never to put someone on a pedestal; this makes people uncomfortable and unsure of how to deal with you. Conversely, you also shouldn’t talk down to someone, even if you happen to know better.

9. Give More Than You Take

Give and take is part of social interactions; so don’t forget to give even as you take. Even as you gain benefit from other bloggers, offer your time and service freely to them. This might mean a little adjustment from your side but it’s well worth it in the long run.

10. Create A Web Presence For Yourself

When you put yourself out there as someone who wants to connect, build relationships and be known, it won’t do to remain invisible. Create a personal website, put up your thoughts, pictures and family videos. You can be sure that the people with whom you try to connect will try to Google you. Give them something worth looking at.

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