Friday 19 August 2011

60 Facts About Space

1.) Red giant – a star Betelgeuse has a diameter larger than the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
2.) 19% of solar energy absorbed by the atmosphere, 47% – falls to the ground, and 34% – back into space.
3.) Duration of the total solar eclipse is not more than 7.5 minutes, a total lunar eclipse – 104 minutes.
4.) If the Earth rotated in the opposite direction around its axis, then the year would be at least two days.
5.) The first star catalog was compiled Hipparchus in 150 BC.
6.) 99 percent of the mass of the solar system centered on the Sun.
7.) About forty new stars appear in our galaxy every year.
8.) The height of the volcano Knicks Olympic, located on Mars – more than 20 km.
9.) When we look at the most distant of the visible stars, we look at four billion years into the past. The light from it, traveling at a speed of almost 300 000 km / sec reaches us only after many years.
10.) Within 10 minutes the spacecraft can take photos up to 1 million square feet. km earth surface, while the plane take off a surface for 4 years, geographers and geologists would have to do at least 80 years.

11.) The only couple who fly in space – U.S. astronauts Jan Davis and Mark Lee were part of the crew of space shuttle “Endeavor” (12-20 September, 1992).
12.) Car an average speed of 60 miles per hour would require about 48 million years to reach the nearest star (after the Sun), Proxima Centauri.
13.) 12 billion years old – that age of the oldest galaxies photographed by the space telescope “Hubble”.
14.) Over the past 500 years the Earth’s mass has increased by one billion tons through cosmic matter.
15.) Southern Cross – the smallest constellation in the sky, but it has the greatest concentration of bright stars.
16.) The distance to the nearest (after the Sun) from our star (Proxima Centauri) – 4.24 light years.
17.) The smallest planet in the Solar System – Pluto, the largest – Jupiter.
18.) All planets in our solar system could fit inside Jupiter.
19.) The pressure in the center of the Earth in 3 million times higher than the pressure in the Earth’s atmosphere.
20.) Duration of the first spacewalk (Leonov) was 12 seconds.
21.) In one minute the sun produces more energy than it consumes the whole earth for the year.
22.) During the lifetime of the station “Mir” on it was visited by 135 people from 11 countries.
23.) On board the space station “Mir” is more than 14 tons of various research equipment.
24.) The total mass of the station “Mir” with two docked ships is more than 36 tons.
25.) The duration of one “year” on the planet Pluto – 247.7 Earth years.
26.) The first space flight of Yuri Gagarin lasted exactly 1 hour 48 minutes.
27.) 2.5 km – maximum thickness of ice at the north pole of Mars.
28.) The space station “Mir” was launched into orbit February 20, 1986.
29.) Asteroids 4147, 4148, 4149 and 4150 are named after the “Beatles”: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, respectively.
30.) If you fill a teaspoon of the substance, of which the neutron star, then its weight will be approximately 110 million tons!
31.) The largest lunar crater that is visible from Earth, called the Bailey, or “field of death.” It has an area of approximately 26 000 square miles.
32.) The first black man in space was melted Blufo Guyon, Jr., was part of the third flight crew “Chellindzhera” (August 30, 1983).
33.) Earth – the only planet not named after the god.
34.) The first maps of the moon produced in 1609 by Thomas Harriot.
35.) Carolyn Schumacher discovered 32 comets and asteroids over 800.
36.) The highest temperature on the Moon – 117 degrees Celsius.
37.) The atmosphere of Mars on 95% of carbon dioxide.
38.) The lowest temperature on the Moon -164 degrees Celsius.
39.) The first observatory was built in South Korea.
40.) The highest mountain on the moon has a height of 11,500 feet.
41.) The hottest planet in our universe – Venus.
42.) The world’s largest planetarium is located in Moscow.
43.) Mountains on Mars to a height of 20-25 kilometers.
44.) The planet Uranus is visible from Earth with the naked eye.
45.) Of the twelve brightest stars, Capella – the most northerly.
46.) Night temperatures on the moon reaches -150 degrees Celsius.
47.) Every day falls on the Earth about 200 thousand meteorites.
48.) The sunlight reaching the Earth requires about 8.5 minutes.
49.) If you lend to cobweb our nearest star in the constellation Centaurus, it would weigh five hundred thousand tons.
50.) About 27 tons of space dust falls to Earth each day. During the year more than 10 000 tons of dust lands on Earth.
51.) The area of the solar surface the size of a postage stamp shines with the same energy as 1.5 million candles.
52.) Astronomers believe the universe to every atom of matter has about 400 liters of space.
53.) Neutron stars are the strongest magnets in the Universe. The magnetic field of a neutron star in a million million times greater than Earth’s magnetic field.
54.) Ganymede, the largest of the moons of Jupiter in size greater than the planet Mercury. Diameter, Ganymede is about 5269 kilometers.
55.) Day on the planet Mercury is twice as long than a year. Mercury rotates on its axis very slowly, and one revolution around the sun takes slightly less than 88 days.
56.) For all the time launching satellites into space, only one of them was destroyed themselves in a meteorite (European Space Agency satellite, “Olympus” in 1993).
57.) The diameter of the Moon – 3476 miles.
58.) On Venus day is longer than the year.
59.) The earth weighs about 600 billion tons.
60.) Earth Moon lighter 80 times.

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